Jimmy Nyborg – trumpet
Sture Ericson - altosaxophone/bassclarinet
Mads Hyhne – trombone
Nils Davidsen – bass
Peter Bruun – drums
Simon Toldam – piano

STORK stands for Simon Toldam ORKester; according to some old-fashioned childish belief, a stork (same word as in Danish) was the bird bringing newborn babies - thus happy news and love. Toldam seems to belong metaphorically to the same animal species: he commits himself to superb and fearless aesthetics while supplying listeners with spontaneous, grounded and joyful gestures. In our time, poetry and daydreaming are often relegated to a secondary role, for the sake of constant realism and anonymous “real-time status updates”: Simon, on the contrary, is one of those rare talents warmly inviting you to step back, fly higher with your imagination, and believe in the Stork once again.

“When church bells are ringing I like to stand still, close my eyes, and let my ears loose. After a couple of minutes where my ears naturally is focusing on the appropriations, suddenly the sound changes, and a whole new world of sounds arises. The appropriations disappear, and the focus from my ears is drawn towards the endless waves of overtones. Its feels like I am listening through the sound. An invitation to witness what’s going on behind the scenes.

In that micro cosmos there is a rich music so beautiful, natural and untamed, solemnly guided by the raw natural laws of travelling sound waves. That micro cosmos is one of my favorite places to be.” - Simon Toldam