Simon Toldam Trio, at Garnisonskirken
This music creates spaces in which we can find ourselves, in which we hear new and focused, as if we had not already heard hundreds of jazz trios. … The pieces are anything but brazen or cool, but carried by impressive intuition, and not least, this is also music of great beauty. - nordische-musik.de
Simon Toldam Trio has been around for 13 years and has released four acclaimed albums. The latest - Omhu - was named Album of the Year at the Danish Music Awards Jazz 2019. In 2021, the trio was named Orchestra of the Year at DMA Jazz, and now the trio is on the way with a new release, Autumn 2024. The suite Alt Er Luft consists of 8 parts, which compositionally draws on the exploratory tonal language of contemporary music, and is performed improvisationally with the spontaneity of jazz. The telepathic interplay makes the trio one of the most recognized and exciting orchestras from Denmark - whether the music is driving or quiet, they have a unique ability to sound as one organism.
Buy tickets at the entrance; 100 / 70 (students) DKK

5. - TRIP (Asheim / Turcerova / Toldam), 5e - 21.30
6. - MONO (AC / Bruun / Toldam, Gården og Gaden - 15.00
6. - SIMON TOLDAM TRIO, Garnisonskirken - 20.00
7. - Jazz Messe, Brorsons Kirke - 10.30
7. - Westergaard / Bruun / Greve / Toldam, 5e - 17.00
8. - FYRTÅRN (Davidsen / Toldam) feat Susanna Santos Silva, 5e - 17.00
9. - Anne Efternøler / Vera / Andersson / Finsrud / Toldam, Tårnby Bibliotek - 20.00
10. - Solborg / Silva / Yoshigaki / Takara / Toldam, Koncertkirken - 21.00
11. - Solborg / Silva / Yoshigaki / Takara / Toldam, H15 Studio - 21.00
11. - Yoshigaki / Tranberg / Toldam, 5e - 23.59
12. - Asger Thomsens Rhizom, Literaturhaus - 17.00
12. - Christina Dahl Trio, Svenska Gustafskyrkan - 20.00
13. - MONO (AC / Bruun / Toldam), Mellemrummet - 19.00
13. - SIMON TOLDAM SOLO, Fem Små Stykker Med Tid, Koncertkirken - 22.30
14. - Juniper Fuse (Choboter / Seibæk / Bruun / Anker / Toldam), 5e, 17.00

BREVET (the letter) touring in DK playing old hits, and quite a lot of new music.
Nils Berg - basclarinet
Tobias Wiklund - cornet
Anders Christensen - kontrabas
Simon Toldam - piano / clarinet

BREVET (the letter) touring in DK playing old hits, and quite a lot of new music.
Nils Berg - basclarinet
Tobias Wiklund - cornet
Anders Christensen - kontrabas
Simon Toldam - piano / clarinet

BREVET (the letter) touring in DK playing old hits, and quite a lot of new music.
Nils Berg - basclarinet
Tobias Wiklund - cornet
Anders Christensen - kontrabas
Simon Toldam - piano / clarinet